Movie Review: Black Swan

Posted: January 24, 2011 in Movies
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Remember how I said I was going to review every new movie I saw in theaters?  Well, I saw Black Swan almost a week ago and I’ve yet to write a review of it, but I’m finally getting around to it.  I promise I’ll get better about this.  And hopefully there will be more in the coming weeks because it’s my goal to see all of the potential Oscar nominees for Best Picture.  They haven’t actually announced the nominees yet, but I believe that happens this week.

Anyway, about the movie.  Natalie Portman has been winning awards left and right for this role and I can see why.  It’s a very twisted and complicated character and I think she did a wonderful job.  The story is of a girl named Nina (Natalie Portman) that has danced in a ballet company for years and now is finally cast as the lead role in a production of “Swan Lake”.  That role is intense and requires her to play twin swans, one good and one evil – the white swan and a black swan. The black swan is the more seductive, evil one.  She has trouble getting into that part of the role and the stress of that plus the pressure from her mother, drives her mad.  Mila Kunis plays opposite Portman as a fellow dancer, Lily, that is much better at inhabiting the black swan role and Nina fears Lily will steal her role. And I can’t say much more without giving anything away.

The movie is dark and pretty twisted, but incredibly well directed and acted so I loved it.  The story contains a lot of sexuality, so if that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable than proceed with caution.  A good portion of the sexual moments are either Portman just by herself, or with Kunis. Sometimes these types of scenes can feel like they are added to movies just for the sake of sex, but I feel that in this movie it drove the story.  All the slightly explicit sexuality, even with Kunis, plays a part in Portman’s character trying to get into the part of the black swan.

Is the movie for everyone?  No, probably not.  But for those that really appreciate a good psychological drama with some sexuality, a little ballet and few twists and turns, then give it a try.  If you decide it’s not for you, then just take my word…as you watch the upcoming awards shows (both SAG and Oscars have yet to come) that Natalie Portman deserves what she wins and every nomination Black Swan receives is warranted as well.  However, it would not be okay for it to with Best Picture at the Oscars.  That is going to go to The Social Network.  🙂

  1. loganburd says:

    Good review! You could subscribe to my review blog at, I write reviews about everything and one of my next is actually going to be about Black Swan. It’s one of my favorite movies, and in my opinion one of the best movies of the past few years, but I’ve yet to review it formally. But I’ll check back to see what you’re reviewing! Thanks!

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